So recently I have been obsessed with Gossip Girl and sadly I finished all the series in a matter of days :( However there was a certain character who's style I fell in love with, and if you couldn't tell by the title it was the style of Blair Woldorf. I love her style so much she's classy, elegant and sophisticated. its really inspired me to add a bit more class into how I dress.
♥ She's perfect in every way! She's Beautiful! She's got the figure! She's got the hair!Now I know that she may not be up everybody's street but she is most certainly up mine, and if I could be anyone else in the world I would be her.
♥ Her style is just amazing. Now normally I just wear what I want but I love how 'Blair' is always looking classy and elegant even in her pyjamas. She has certainly inspired me to up my game when it comes to style.'Blair's' style is very chic and almost business like, she would never wear jeans or a hoodie and even when she's spending all day in her house she still looks sharp and sophisticated.I especially love her wedding dress in the last ever episode it was just magnificent.

♥ Her make-up also inspires me. She's very natural but tends to play around with colour either on her eyes or on her lips.
♥She is truly a very big style icon in my eyes! I know some of you will disagree and say that she's quite boring, but ohh well we all have our own personal tastes and this is mine :) Hope you enjoyed :)
Morgan xx
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